A SportsLeader high school football team from Mt Angel, Oregon is doing something very special: they are building a house for a family in need. They wanted to put the virtue of charity into practice and they wanted to do something "big".
They teamed up with an organization that can build a very good house for a family in Peru for $10,000. The football players raised the money and the house should be built soon.
Below is a letter one of the players sent to his family members and a team photo with the check to be sent once they raised their goal.
Head Coach Randy Traeger said that this was a transforming event for this whole team. They would like to do this every year now!
God bless, Lou
Dear Uncle Jim and Aunt Dianne,
I am a proud member of the Kennedy Football team. We are doing some great things in Mt. Angel. You may have heard about our SportsLeader program where our coaches teach Kennedy football players “virtue” and character development. Our coaches are teaching us a code of conduct for manhood and they are holding us to standards higher than victory on the playing field.
As our team’s commitment to demonstrate the virtue “charity”, we have undertaken the mission of raising enough money to build a house for an impoverished family. The Rossana and Geremías Durand family and their three children live in a one room cardboard/scrap lumber house with a dirt floor and corrugated tin roof. We intend to change that.
Out football team recently sponsored a BBQ Benefit dinner and raised over one half of the funds needed to complete the house. The local support for this project has been incredible. In order to raise the remaining funds needed to complete the house we are reaching out beyond the Mt. Angel community for help.
My teammates and I would very much appreciate any contribution you can make. Please make your check payable to “Kennedy High School” and mail it off in the enclosed envelope. Any amount will help, $1000, $500, $250, $100, whatever you feel comfortable giving.
Thank you for helping us demonstrate how “Charity” can change peoples lives.
Will Bochsler
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