SportsLeader is a virtue-based mentoring and motivation program for coaches. This blog shares stories from coaches all over the country transforming lives. For more information contact Lou Judd -

Monday, October 11, 2010

Coach Apologizes to Team

I heard of a great example recently from a coach. At one point in a game he blew up at the refs for what was "an obvious no call on a late hit".

He went ballistic and almost got himself thrown out of the game.

As the next play began, he realized what an awful example he just set for his whole team.

At the end of the game, when the team was all together taking a knee he apologized to his team. "Guys, I just want to apologize for my reaction after that one play. That is not how a man should react when faced with adversity. Will you guys forgive me?" The team responded, "Yes, Sir"

As he was leaving the field, a player came up from behind, "Coach, thanks for apologizing like that ... it was very humble of you to do that. I want you to know that I respect you more now than I did before the game."

The next day, an assistant coach came up to him, "Coach, thanks for setting a great example by apologizing. I never would have done that, too embarrassed. Now I will when I am sorry for doing something stupid."

You never know how you will impact others. Humility is a great strength.

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